Face-tox Diary: Day Four – “Are You Okay?”

I didn’t write yesterday, as I was too busy doing things. It’s amazing what you can do when you are not distracted with Facebook crap anymore! I got to play 18 holes of golf… the garden looks great… I actually enjoyed the garden for a change… I’m reading more books…

BUT, I had to write today, as after four days, finally somebody has noticed I’m NOT on Twatbook – sorry, Facebook – anymore. A text arrived this morning shortly after 7am:

“I couldn’t find you on Facebook, are you okay?”

What a lovely text to receive (I just wish they hadn’t sent it so early, as I was fast asleep after a late night reading, and had nothing much to wake up for that early!) I’m probably an unusual Twatbooker, as almost all of my (less then 100) Twatbook friends are actually ‘friends’, people I’ve actually met in person, or are family – hence so few!

Some I have already personally been in contact with, but it was rather surprising that after four days only ONE person had noticed that I was no longer online. I wonder how many of you that have waaaaayyyy more ‘Twatbook Friends’ (most of which you don’t actually know) than me realise that the vast majority of your ‘Friends’ have probably ‘muted’ your feed, or don’t take any notice of you, or have so much Twatbook-misinformation coming at them that they don’t really care what the crap is happening in your life?

I can definitely say detoxing from Twatbook is much easier than detoxing from smoking! By day four I would be craving a fag something wicked, and almost wanting to kill somebody! In comparison, Twatbook-detox is very painless and very rewarding. For four days I have not been exposed to stupid, uneducated opinions about the election, what people have been eating, pictures of cats, mindless quotations that say, “Like if you agree” or any other mindless crap that says the same, or, “Read this, it’s AMAZING…!”

Dumb, mindless, Twatbook, pricks!

I’m sure if you are reading this and still a Twatbook member, you’re smart enough to read the humour, and are probably trying to work out how the heck you can get out of the trap that is TWATBOOK…!

My best advice for the election, since it’s tomorrow, is don’t vote. If nobody voted, they’d realise that we all know we don’t live in a democracy, it’s just a farce. They don’t act on our behalf, so why vote for them? They are all elitist snobs, that are educated the same, indoctrinated the same, brown nose the same, and have the same INTERNATIONAL paymasters!

I think Guy Fawkes was on the right trail…



my_first_goalsettin_cover_for_kindleAnthony James Donnelly is an author, motivational and business coach, and life guide. He has spent over 20 years working directly with individuals and corporations to adjust their perspectives on life. In his latest book, “My First Goal-Setting Book: How To Effectively Set & Achieve Your Life Goals”, he concisely explains how to get whatever you want out of life. Dumping Facebook is just the first step to freedom…!