Covid-19 Epidemic: A Time For Reflection…?

A year ago I had great plans to celebrate my 50th birthday. It was going to be the big HAWAII-50…! I had many other great plans as well that I was working on. I’m sure many of you reading this had made plans for this time of year, however great or small, but also never anticipated what the world is currently experiencing due to this sudden and unexpected outbreak of the coronavirus. It has impacted the lives of practically every single person on this planet, and has changed our lives forever. Most countries are on ‘lock down’, many people for the first times in their lives are being forced to isolate. Thankfully I was already in a semi state of lock down due to caring for my fiance going through Chemo and Radiotherapy – we were already isolating and limiting our contact due to her potential lowered immunity – so my 50th birthday plans had already been put on hold back in December.

This time of personal isolation, and now witnessing the rest of the world do likewise, has given me time to reflect on a few things, a few things I thought it worthwhile to share in the hope that they resonate with some others out there.

As far as I can remember in my lifetime, this is the first and only time the entire world (or a pretty decent chunk of it at least) is fighting the same enemy.

At school I learnt about both World Wars, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, was born during the Cold War – the fear of the H-bomb dropping at any minute! – and lived long enough to live during the metaphorical ‘War On Terror’ (whatever that is really supposed to mean?) but never did I have to experience an invisible, indiscriminate, ‘enemy’ like we are facing today, until now. And do you know what? It doesn’t scare me. It encourages and empowers me to think that if the entire world can drop its petty squabbles and power-mongering and focus on combating a ‘common threat’, what hope we might have for a truly better future!

Take America, for example, in their 250+ years as a united state, there have been fewer than 10 years that they have not been at war with some country or another, including themselves! Isn’t that insane? Look where wars have taken us: they make the armaments industries even richer, they make the bankers richer, and they make the business elite richer, whilst it’s the ‘man on the street’ who puts their lives on the line. That sounds like insanity to me. I’m not singling out America, they are just a very obvious case that both produces and uses the weapons of ‘terror’.

What if that energy was put to better use? What if it was used for positive purposes? Isn’t this new ‘invisible’ enemy more deadly than the ‘perceived’ enemies we have been told to fear in the past? More on this later, perhaps, but let’s look closer to home…

A complete change in the way we live our lives: time to reboot…?

In the same way we impatiently ‘reboot’ our computers when they are not functioning correctly, perhaps this is the wake-up call the world has needed to tell us all we are off track? Why not think about using this enforced down time to reflect on your own life and see where you could make tiny, daily changes to become better, become more grounded, help others more, give more than you take, participate rather than criticise, seek more happiness rather than more money…? How can you reboot and defrag yourself…?

Most people don’t stop and pause at all during the day. They wake, they have breakfast, they dress, they go through the motions often thinking of something completely different, never completely in the moment, never truly experiencing their lives. I often compare this to reading a book without punctuation – can you imagine that? No capital letters, no commas, no full stops, no breaks, no pauses, no paragraphs, no chapters… It would be exhausting to read. So why would a life lived with no punctuation be any different?

“If we are going to change the world, first we must change ourselves.”

I want to change the world. I’ve always wanted to change the world. I just never knew how. Government and politics didn’t seem to be doing a good job, so that was the wrong route. The only way to execute change on a massive scale is through the people changing, and that means on an individual basis. If I wanted to change the world, I first had to change myself, change my thoughts, change my actions, change my beliefs.

Everybody is in the same boat, let’s paddle together!

We are in completely uncharted waters. What is happening in the world has never happened before, it can’t even be compared to the Spanish Flu. Countries are so much more inter-connected via the financial markets, global businesses, international trade, conglomerates, international travel, etc., and the Internet allows a much greater level of information to be dispersed – both good and bad. Don’t be fooled that governments have any better idea what’s going on than you do. They may have more information, yes, but do they know what’s going on and how to react to it correctly? Of course they don’t! I think they are right to advise people to limit their direct interactions with others to the barest minimum (and I do wish people would understand that the more times you go out, the greater the chance of spreading this becomes! PLEASE only go out if you ABSOLUTELY have to, PEOPLE’S LIVES DEPEND UPON IT, including your own!)

We will see the death toll hit One Million before this is over!

This isn’t scaremongering, it’s probability. The curve is going upwards every day, and it will continue to do so for a few weeks – more if people continue to go out and socialise as much as they are currently doing. Only go out if it is ESSENTIAL. Yes, I know you love your bike and cycling. Yes, I know you love jogging. Yes, I know you need to get of the house/ flat/ room/ whatever, but is it essential? Could you put it on hold for three weeks? Could you try to be less selfish and save other people’s lives? Could you maybe think about other people for once in your life? Could you? It won’t kill you not to go out, but it might just kill someone else… Or could it kill you…?

It’s going to get much worse before it gets any better, and that’s a fact that we have seen in country after country, and none so far have gotten it under control completely. It’s a virus, they have a very clever habit of adapting very quickly. Even once we get our ‘R’ number in check (and we’re a long way off from that folks!) we still need to make sure it doesn’t flare up again and we’re right back where we are now, or worse!

A Global Village Experiencing an Epidemic… is World Peace that far behind?

If you’ve read this far, well done! I didn’t really expect anybody to read these crazy ramblings of a (now) 50 year old…! I’m probably preaching to the choir, but since you’re still with me, let’s explore the real positive possibilities that lie ahead of us. I loved the concept of a ‘global village’ when the Internet first started out, but never really quite understood what it meant until now. I believe spiritually we are all interconnected, and technology has allowed us to communicate faster, but not always better. Now we have a real chance to reach out to other ‘villagers’ in the world that are going through the same ‘war’ and see if we can’t forge a new world of better understanding and peace.

Most people are only thinking of themselves and their own survival right now. Many don’t even see what is happening here and around the world as such a big deal, but it’s only just begun. As isolation continues, and as restrictions begin to tighten (as they will) people will want to reach out. Look inwards first, before you get angry. Make peace with yourself, then make peace in the world around you. Forgive.

Take this time as a great opportunity. Sit quietly and make a list of all the people you hate, dislike, have a grudge against, cut you up on the freeway, short-changed you, called you names, whatever! However petty it may seem, make a list of everything that consumes your unconscious thoughts in this way and purposefully forgive them, let it go, even go one step further and picture them having an amazing life, picture them successful, happy, loved… Let go of the baggage – the real baggage – that has been weighing you down.

The future…?

What sort of world do you want to live in once this is all over? Who do you want to lead you? How much responsibility for YOUR life will you continue to take? Will you continue to go for money rather than happiness and quality of life? Allegedly we all live in a democracy, so we can participate and decide what kind of a world we want to live in, right? So, put some thought to it. When the next epidemic appears – and be sure there’ll be another – how prepared do you want your new world to be? Do YOU want to be more prepared? How do you want your country to be run? Do you want the people to have more say and input, well that starts with you caring more, doesn’t it?

I think the only way forward is for people to rely less on hand-outs and being happy abdicating responsibility to others, and taking more self-responsibility for their life circumstances. I think they need to look at what really makes them happy rather than believing what they are told will make them happy. I think they need to pause and think more about how they are living their lives. If nothing else, this virus has made many people think about their own mortality. Sadly for some people, they may not live long enough to read this post. But if you have read this far, you brave soul, let’s work together to make this an amazing new world, a world of love and peace.

Imagine… World Peace…

#FREE New Book All This Weekend

FINALLY, 19 years after it was first published in paperback, When The Trees Held Their Breath, is now available in its originally planned format, with the originally intended text and haunting black and white photographs in ebook format.

In celebration, it will be free all this weekend, I hope you enjoy it, and it inspires you into action!

Trees 2019 Book Cover

A short, environmental book I wrote back in 1986 when I was just 16 years old. Here’s what some kind people said about the paperback, which had an extended ‘happy’ ending:

“An excellent book for young readers to be introduced to the basic concept of environmental issues – the negative impacts mankind has had, and the role that trees have as oxygen providers. The accompanying artwork brings the simple message to life.”

Dave Taub, member National Union of Journalists

“A breath of fresh air for readers–adults and children alike will hear the call about environmental issues in a charming and easily accessible book. Mr. Donnelly has a gift for keeping the reader rapt in his tale. An important book and a must read, then share it with everyone you know!”

Alison Bessesdotter, artist

“What a wake up and smell the coffee kind of book. Not only is it well written, but it makes you stop and THINK. This book, though it appears to be small, is packed with a punch!

“Man is known for technologically advancing his world and not giving a damn what the consequences may be. In his debut illustrated children’s novel, “When the Trees Held Their Breath,” Anthony James Donnelly presents the future landscape of a dying world and the drastic measures nature takes in seeing to its survival.”

Denise Fleischer, reviewer

Charlie, The Migrating Snail – Now Available To Pre-order On Kindle At A Very Special Discount!

Great News!

charliebookonecover28329While we put the finishing touches to the paperback, large print version of Book One of Charlie, The Migrating Snail, we decided to let you pre-order your copy of the Kindle version at a considerable discount, and be eligible to enter our Prize Draw!

Here’s what you’ll get for pre-ordering now:

  • Be one of the first to read the story!
  • Big savings on the official launch price!
  • Ensure delivery on February 28th!
  • Pre-orders are sent to you automatically.

That’s not all. If you contact Charlie and tell him you’ve pre-ordered a copy, you’ll be entered into a drawing for an amazing prize!


An Exclusive, Signed and Illustrated Paperback Copy!!!


For a sneak peek, you can read an excerpt of Chapter One by clicking this link: SAMPLE.

And you can use any of the relevant links below to pre-order your copy now:

UK: Charlie, The Migrating Snail – Book One

US: Charlie, The Migrating Snail – Book One

CA: Charlie, The Migrating Snail – Book One

AU: Charlie, The Migrating Snail – Book One

Stay tuned for more updated news for when Book One will be available in paperback and in audio book formats.

New Blog: My First Goal-Setting Book

Firstly, a big thank you to everyone that has bought, read, downloaded, reviewed, used, and commented on my simple, easy-to-read book about changing your life through setting goals and taking manageable steps to achieve them.

Since I’m getting more and more interest in MY FIRST GOAL-SETTING BOOK and my motivational and self-development posts, I’ve decided to create a stand-alone site just for that book and that subject:


This will allow me to keep this blog focused on other things, musings, author interviews, upcoming books I’m working on and thinking of publishing soon, and things that are going on in my life. The other site will focus exclusively on personal development and goal-setting advice.

Thank you once again for all your help, support, and encouragement.


Book Reviews: When The Rainbow Smiled by Anthony James Donnelly

Rainbows New Cover

I hope you all had a brilliant Christmas. I hope many of you managed to take advantage of my free books over the holiday season. My best presents this year are these two early reviews that have come in for my latest publication When The Rainbow Smiled.

A big thank you to both of these reviewers, what lovely words! Thank you both for taking the time to rate and write a review.

Beautifully written and illustrated short story for all ages.

A perfect accompanyment to ‘When the Trees Held Thier Breath’. This thought provoking story seems to have the ability to speak to you on many levels when considering what is happening around the world today and the society we live in. It’s a book that you can read and read again and reflect on the message of kindness, sharing and freedom of choice and what can happen when we do none of those things. If you are wanting something a little different to share with your children then buy this book!

Five Stars

Such a beautiful book. Thoughtful, thought-provoking and wonderfully illustrated. Warmth on a page.

 A beautiful book, with the charm

A beautiful book, with the charm, delight and unexpected discovery of childhood innocence. The way Anthony Donnelly has unfolded the parable, we are taken on a journey that makes not only the rainbow smile, but our hearts too. A book to read to be inspired, to be lifted and to share.

How lovely to have one of my books referred to as, ‘warmth on a page’. Here’s hoping your year ends well and the New Year begins well and continues to bring you love, success and happiness.

FREE Books For Christmas

Rainbows New CoverIt’s Christmas. A time for love, generousity, and for giving, or ‘forgiving’. For this reason, ALL my kindle books will be free both today (Christmas Day) and tomorrow (Boxing Day) as a way of saying thank you to all my friends old and new, and spreading more of the spirit of the season.

All I ask in return is, if you download a copy of my book, please take a few minutes to honestly rate and review the book on amazon 🙂



Dr Wayne DyerI’m not really one for making resolutions for New Year, but at this time I do like to reflect back on the past few months and take stock. Like many of you, I’m sure, this has been a great year, but also a bummer of a year. I lost two very great and dear friends: Dr. Wayne Dyer, a motivational force in my life, and Richard Anthony Eyre, an old school friend.

Richard Eyre
Richard Eyre 1970 – 2015

They will both be missed.


On the upside, I’ve met and made numerous new friends, mostly in the film and TV industry. Another positive to the year: I’m very excited at the great progress I’ve made since April of breaking back into the acting world again. A short film I starred in landed at Cannes, thanks to the wonderful director Miho Sugita. I finally got an agent! And I have two new film scripts doing the rounds. It’s almost as if my life has come full circle and I’ve arrived back where I was before I left sixteen years ago!

On the writing front, my books continue to sell – Thank you all for that! Although I feel a little lazy at not having completed ALL the new books I had planned to publish this year, they are still in the works and WILL BE published in 2016. How about that for positive thinking?!

Talking of positive thinking, it’s been wonderful to connect with some old friends (Tony Wilson, and Trevor Oakland, to name just two!) from the distant past and indulge my other passion for self-development and motivation. When there’s something you just can’t help yourself from doing, then that’s a good sign you should be doing it (if it’s positive in nature!)


Did I Give Enough, Live Enough, Laugh Enough, and Love Enough…?

When I reflect back on this year, there’s one question I ask myself, and that’s written above. I have certainly laughed a lot this year, thanks to new friends, Stephen, Jo, Louise, Helen, Ness, Rachael, and Darryl. Did I give enough…? I’m sure I could have given more, but within my financial constraints I think I gave as much as I could monetarily, on a personal level, definitely! As far as living enough, I don’t think there’s much more this little chap could have crammed into the last 12 months. I always consider myself as lazy, but then look at what I’ve managed to do and wonder why I keep thinking that! And then there’s love… ah, that sweet, alusive thing… As far as giving my love away, that has been joyously done over the year. More on a platonic level than romantic, but there is always hope…! I’m sure, somewhere out there, there is a young lady that has the patience to put up with my ‘insanity’.

Well, if you’ve read this far, I commend you. What a ramble! Here are the links to my free books. Enjoy! Share! And for all of you I have not yet wished a very Merry Christmas and a superb New Year, that was it.


Click on the book cover to take you to the amazon link for the book (sorry, these are US links. You’ll have to transfer to the country link you need!)


A delighful, powerful short read accompanied by 19 exceptional watercolour paintings. Peace, love, harmony and balance.



The Shepherd Cover ArtTHE SHEPHERD

A new age parable about connecting and listening to your heart. Let the Shepherd guide you to where you should be in life.





Can we learn about ourselves from probably one of the most detested creatures on the planet? Find out through a series of ten letters this brave, little thing writes back to those at home fighting the Eternal War…




Not an easy read this one, I’ll give you that. This is an experimental novel, part of a trilogy, a film, and a musical album that never quite made it off the ground. Read at your peril, is all I say… It almost drove me mad writing it, but it’s full of philosophy, ridiculousness, and mischief. It’ll make sense once you’ve read it!


Remember, if you download a copy, please leave a rating and review, thank you very much!



NEW BOOK: When The Rainbow Smiled by Anthony James Donnelly

Rainbows New Cover

Originally written back in 2000 as the sequel to my first publication, When The Trees Held Their Breath, this short, illustrated work tells the story of how colour first came to the world as a ‘smiling’ rainbow. At a much deeper level, the resounding message is one of peace, love, acceptance, and harmony.

This work is especially dear to my heart, as I thought it was lost forever. At the turn of the millennium, certain members of the UK education system were showing an interest in this work as an education tool for primary school children. Since I was living in the US at that time promoting “Trees”, I handed the project and all of my artwork over to an old Secondary School friend of mine, Richard Eyre. He had many contacts, and worked diligently with them to compile a teaching resource to accompany my short, powerful story.

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Artwork by Mani Navasothy

Sadly, the project failed to reach fruition at the last minute, and was shelved. When you are an industry outsider, it’s very hard to break into a market that is controlled by the larger organisations! Even sadder is the fact that Richard passed away this year in a tragic motorbike accident in Thailand, where he had been living for the past seven years working on humanitarian projects.

It was at his funeral recently that I was surprised to be reunited with my text and some of my original watercolour artwork once more. Although a handful of my original art was missing, they had been replaced by the fantastic work of Mani Navasothy (an artist Richard had hired to ‘upgrage’ some of my images) which add even more depth and colour to my words.

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Artwork by Anthony Donnelly

With the advancement of online publishing and print-on-demand technology, I decided to edit and format this into a full colour publication in honour of my late friend, Richard.

Although I have no doubt that this short book alone will not bring about world peace, this is part of my continuing contribution to that effort. Perhaps some younger readers and their parents will take the themes and messages of my text and open a dialogue about how we, as a combined human race, can work towards that end. A good start would be to bring peace into our personal lives, more understanding in our daily encounters with friends and strangers, a daily focus on love rather than war… We can only hope that by a collective effort and focus on love and acceptance, our children may get the opportunity to live in a war-free world.

When The Rainbow Smiled is available in print format and Kindle via the Amazon website. I love to hear feedback from my readers, so please help spread the word by sharing, posting reviews, and leaving me comments. May this year end well for you, and may 2016 bring you closer to your dreams.


The Shepherd Cover ArtANTHONY DONNELLY blogs about all things writing, inspirational, and motivational. He has published a number of books for children and adults. His latest book, a short, inspirational parable THE SHEPHERD  is currently climbing up the Amazon charts, and is available in Kindle or paperback. When not sat at his keyboard writing, he can be found in Costa Rica, North America, or somewhere in Europe motivating and coaching individuals and groups in self-development techniques and life-balance. Most recently you can see him back on the sets of films and in front of the modelling camera again.

Cancer Survivor Writes, Directs, and Stars in New Indie Feature “The Hit”

the hit poster

“Not every story has been told…”

Although many people still remember the graphic incidents of the Rettendon Murders in Essex back in 1995, and the story has been adapted into a number of film versions, husband and wife film-making duo, Brad and Tanya Wall, insist, “Not every story has been told…”

At first glance, when you hear this movie was not only written by Brad Wall, but was directed by him, he plays one of the leading roles, and his wife produced it, you could be mistaken in thinking this indie feature is just a ‘vanity project’. You couldn’t be further from the truth.

Like every truly great story has a backplot, when you discover that Brad is a cancer survivor (he was diagnosed with AML, blood cancer) it puts a completely different spin on things. It’s hard enough writing a full length feature script (I should know, I’ve written a few of them in my time!) and the business of acting, although highly rewarding, is much more demanding than most ‘outsiders’ think. Just the concept of all the preparation and planning that needs to go into a film production, even a short, let alone a full length feature, is daunting to a healthy chap like myself – although I’d love to direct a movie one day, the thought of it scares the poop out of me!

So, when you think about this dynamic duo a huge round of applause is called for JUST FOR EVEN THINKING ABOUT making this film a reality! The fact that they have finally wrapped on shooting, and all concerned are eagerly looking forward to reuniting for the wrap party later this month deserves pause for thought.

Brad and Tanya are no stragers to the business, though, having met each other whilst working in the industry. They both shared a passion for film making, and the completion of “The Hit” is a serious feather in their caps. Although, as I said earlier, many people know the story already, through their ‘connections’ (I’ll leave that part vague – Brad’s originally from the East End – ‘nough said?) they insist that this is the definitive version of events, which holds quite a few surprises! I was priviledged to have a very minor role in their production, and was intrigued by the secrecy surrounding the script, but they assure me this is not merely a ‘cloak and dagger’ marketing ploy, the plot really is quite a sensitive matter.

Working with Brad and Tanya it was easy to forget what Brad had overcome to create this piece, as he is not only professional and ENERGETIC, but very humble and approachable (even if he does look quite scary some times!) The same is true for Tanya, having the thankless task of producing and ensuring things run as smoothly as possible – and anyone that’s been involved in the business knows that nothing ever goes exactly to plan.

hit companion


It has been refreshing to hear the support they have had whether from the huge cast of actors, people who have helped to source the classic cars needed for the shoot, businesses offering locations, and the million-and-one other little details. The work doesn’t stop there however… With a release date set for December to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the events, they have some epic fundraising plans for their next project (Crowdfunding Campaign) and have a fantastic, photographic companion to the film which you can buy now on Amazon. Click on the picture to the right to order your copy now.

Personally, although my involvement was very small, I’d just like to say a very big thank you and well done to this new film production partnership. All I can say is WATCH THIS SPACE…! More great things are coming, I’m sure.


The Shepherd Cover ArtANTHONY DONNELLY blogs about all things writing, inspirational, and motivational. He has published a number of books for children and adults. His latest book, a short, inspirational parable THE SHEPHERD  is currently climbing up the Amazon charts, and is available in Kindle or paperback. When not sat at his keyboard writing, he can be found in Costa Rica, North America, or somewhere in Europe motivating and coaching individuals and groups in self-development techniques and life-balance. Most recently you can see him back on the sets of films and in front of the modelling camera again.

July 4th – International Forgiveness Day…?

NOTE: Many of my regular readers probably won’t like the questions posed or the turns this post will take, but stick with it, keep reading, trust me… You’ll agree with the outcome…

* * *

JULY 4th – American Independence Day – is coming up soon… barely a month away…!

How many people are going to celebrate the day truly conscious of what it is in rememberance of? For most it will merely be a ‘day off’, a time to party and get drunk, a day to feel ‘patriotic’ (whatever that means these days?), a day to sleep in, a day to exercise their ‘freedoms’ (do we really have the same ones anymore? Try testing your Consitutional Rights some day, see how far you get…!) and quite possibly it’s a day for some to still stick two fingers up at the British… more than 2 centuries later.

But how were the ‘freedom fighters’ in Colonial English America back then any different to the ‘extremists’ of ISIS in the Middle East today? There were a few rebels and military personel – trained by the English… using English weapons… dispondent with having doctines imposed on them by outside bodies… non-military supporters joined in because they believed in the ’cause’… Sound familiar…?

International Forgiveness Day

Anyway, I digress… That was not the point of this post – merely an interesting aside – but it will hopefully have proven a point after you finish reading. No different to my puzzlement with non-caucasian friends that are so very pro-ethnic rights, but hate gays… and vice versa… my gay friends that don’t agree with the ‘race-imbalance’.

Which brings me neatly and nicely onto my ‘fun’ idea…

WHAT IF… what if… what if… just for one day – one day out of 365 in an average year – we, as a global nation, decided that we’d have an international day of forgiveness and understanding. Each and every one of us, for one day, forgiving one other person that we believe or perceive has wronged us. Imagine the ripple-out effect that could have…

We’ve all wronged someone at some time or another (whether we were aware of it or not) and we can all certainly remember all those instances where people have wronged us – in fact, many people are stewing over wrong-doings that date back years…! The problem is, they probably have no idea how much they wronged you.

Forgive And Learn From It

I meet so many people that are still harbouring grudges against people years, sometimes DECADES, after the fact. It isn’t healthy, it isn’t right, and it can easily change. Personally, I believe almost all of the wars and civil disputes that are still going on are a direct result of a lack of forgiveness: people and nations trying to settle ‘unfinished business’.

How difficult is it to say, “I forgive you.” and mean it…?

If you’ve ever done it, or been on the receiving end of an honest apology, you’ll know what I mean. If you haven’t, this is your time to shine and grow! If you want to be forgiven, forgive… learn from it… feel how great it is to drop that baggage.

Forgive And Grow…

Think of all those resentments you have built up inside of you, festering away like a cancer – probably willing cancer to come and feed on your stress! Think of things in your childhood that still bug you… the teacher… the bully… the bus driver… the pervert… your parents… FORGIVE THEM…! They are harming you more NOW than they were then… FORGIVE THEM…!

You’ll feel a load lifted for doing it.

If you can’t do it face-to-face, close your eyes, imagine them in front of you, and… FORGIVE THEM…!

Imagine if THAT is what we did on Independence Day… “International Forgiveness Day”

Imagine forgiving and being forgiven…

ONE DAY to put the record straight…

The Big Picture

My blog is only followed by a handful of people, and most of them don’t really read my posts, so I doubt very much will come of this anyway, but imagine… imagine… WHAT IF…what if, a few people that read this decide this is a good idea, it’s good for them and good for others… WHAT IF… July 4th becomes an International Day of Forgiveness…WHAT IF… it doesn’t just stop with one day…?

WHAT IF people want to continue… Every day… Forgiving… Accepting… Loving… Learning… Teaching… Healing…

Ah…! I’m dreaming… We love war… and descrimination… and hatred… and sadness too much… It will never happen…




The Shepherd Cover ArtANTHONY DONNELLY blogs about all things writing, inspirational, and motivational. He has published a number of books for children and adults. His latest book, a short, inspirational parable THE SHEPHERD  is currently climbing up the Amazon charts, and is available in Kindle or paperback. When not sat at his keyboard writing, he can be found in Costa Rica, North America, or somewhere in Europe motivating and coaching individuals and groups in self-development techniques and life-balance. Most recently you can see him back on the sets of films and in front of the modelling camera again.