#Author Interviews: Mistral Dawn – “Taken By The Huntsman”

WELCOME to the second in my author interview series. A new, up-and-coming author today, Mistral Dawn – a pen name as intriguing as her romantic fantasies! Her debut novel, Taken by the Huntsman is doing well on Amazon, but first a few words from the pen-mistress herself:


  1. “Taken by the Huntsman” is a fantasy romance novel. Have you always written in this genre or did you evolve into this?

Taken By The Huntsman is my first novel.  The book I’m working on now is the second one in the series, so it’s also a fantasy romance novel.  Before Taken By The Huntsman my writing was mostly limited to school papers and letters of complaint. 😉

  1. Where do you gain the inspiration for your main characters from, people you know or your imagination?

TakenbytheHuntsman AmazonWell, The inspiration for Taken By The Huntsman came from a dream I had after a rather spirited debate with an online friend about the nature of consent (and some other political issues I won’t bore you with).  When I woke up I thought about the dream and realized it might make an interesting story (as well as provide me with a soap box 😉 ).  I texted a friend and asked her if she thought the idea had merit.  She said she did and so I wrote the first couple of chapters and emailed them to her asking her to read them and tell me if she was bored yet.  She was kind enough to say that she wasn’t bored and that she’d like to read the rest of the story, so I wrote it.  The ideas for the next few books and short stories came from characters who came to me and told me that they deserved a story too, and it was my job to write them.  So I will! 🙂

  1. What do you find the hardest part of writing a novel is, and how do you overcome it?

The hardest and easiest part of writing was the sex scenes.  OMG! They were so much fun to write! After all, who wouldn’t enjoy letting their wildest fantasies run wild through their head? 😉  But sometimes it’s hard to rein them back in to the realm of the possible.  Also, I’m a woman so I’ve never made love as a man.  What do men think about during sex?  How does it feel to them?  How, exactly, does one make love to a woman?  These are all important questions!  And has anyone ever noticed that many men have difficulty expressing feelings in words?  I need input people! 😉

  1. If you could give any advice to novice and aspiring authors, what would you suggest?

I’m very new to writing, so I don’t know that I’m the best qualified person to give others advice.  Someone told me to read a lot and write what you feel.  Maybe that will help others as well. 🙂

  1. Are you reading anything right now, if so, what is it and why?

At the moment I’m reading Seed by db nielsen. Seed was chosen as the first book being read by the #IndieBookBeSeen GoodReads book club.  Congratulations db! 🙂

  1. Thank you for participating in this interview, is there anything else you’d like to add?

You’re welcome, and thank you for having me Anthony! I’d just like to tell my readers:  Thank you so much for reading my book!!  I appreciate the fact that you’ve given your time and your money to experience my work; it humbles me that you have been willing to do so.  I value all of your feedback, both good and bad, because it can only make me a better writer and help me create a better product for you to enjoy.  So thank you, as far as I’m concerned you’re totally awesome! And please keep those reviews coming! 🙂


To keep abreast of Mistral Dawn and her future publications, check out her own blog here:  http://www.mistralkdawn.blogspot.com

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49q hard coverANTHONY DONNELLY blogs about all things writing, inspirational, and motivational. He has published a number of books for children and adults. His first novel 49Q? THE ENIGMA CONTINUES is currently climbing up the Amazon charts, and is available in Kindle or paperback. When not sat at his keyboard writing, he can be found in Costa Rica, North America, or somewhere in Europe motivating and coaching individuals and groups in self-development techniques and life-balance.



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